
20090605, originally uploaded by harner.bill.

This isn't the time for words

I'd rather talk with my fist.
It just wants to say hello
and give you a quick kiss.


You'd think I'd be used to not even getting a job interview. I've only had two of them since I got laid off. My skill set is pretty much crap unless you want someone to do media related junk, which is what I want to do.
So I finally found myself a job that I REALLY wanted, AND was extremely qualified for, and even thought I might have some inside connections that could help put in a good word for me (and I know they did), but after 4 weeks of waiting and contacting their HR department to make sure everything was recieved and in process and yadda, yadda, yadda.

I called again today (I called last week but the person I needed to talk to was on vacation and the person I talked to said that the position hadn't been filled yet and my application was "in process" (whatever that means) only to find out that the position was filled earlier this week and that they had forgotten to send out notices that the position had been filled.

Grrr. I haven't been this depressed since I got laid off. At least then I had ski season. Now I've got nothing. A busted bike, a fishing license that's about to expire (and I can't afford to go get a new one) and an Xbox and the internets. And yes, I know I have a loving wife and an awesome rugrat, but they don't really help me blow off any steam. It all seems pretty darn useless. Someday I'm going to find a good full time job and work for someone with integrity. It's been a long time since I've had a boss at a full time job with integrity. Thanks, Jim and Dan, for showing me how men of integrity function in the real world.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing that I've been using for ages and it will hopefully simplify this silly blog a bit.

June 4

I've had this set of rubber ears for a bit and I've been planning something fun with them, I've just never gotten around to using them, so I figured I should see how well it photographs now. Hopefully once I'm back from the boonies I'll get this project finished.


June 3


June 2

Got a new bike rack.


June 1

The view from the back porch at work.


May 31


May 30

Driving down a long and lonely road...


May 29


May 28.

The child who usually hates to wear hats loves to wear her helmet around everywhere.


May 27

Bike ride time!


May 26

Rhubard Almond bars.


May 25


May 24

Mama's little baby loves rhubarb, rhubarb,
Bebop-a-rebop Rhubarb Pie!


May 23


May 22

Strawberries in our garden.


May 21

Burning the candle at both ends.


May 20


May 19

Getting ready to go to the park.


Arriving at the park.


May 18

"Driving" Papa's car.


May 17

Trying to ride Hannah's big girl bike.


May 16

May 16. Driving at night. Don't remember why or where. Just gotta get there.


May 15

Snapdragon finally decided to bloom and make the ants happy.


May 14


May 13

Chili Cheese Dog and Fries from Jess' #2


May 12

Trying to reflect


May 11


May 10

The aftermath of a headshot while out paintballin.


May 9

Massanutten Yee-Ha! downhill Mtn. Bike Race.


May 8


May 7


May 6

Both of my raised bed gardens. Looking pretty sparse, but improving steadily.


May 5

The view from my backyard at night. Stupid North 38 student housing development.


May 4

So I'll start this with an apology to those of you on blogroll and other programs, you're going to get flooded with posts from me today as I try to catch up on a months worth of photos.

May 4. Garden is coming along nicely.



Ok, so my new hard drive is finally here and my backup of my old drive is complete. I just finished downloading a month's worth of images (thank God for 8gig memory cards) and now I'm starting to process them. They should all make it up to the flickr gallery by tomorrow and then they'll start appearing here on the blog soon after that. I'll be heading north into the wilderness for a few days next week and won't have internet, but rest assured, I'll still be photographing and then I'll finish updating the blog when I get home.