January 9

Friday. A mildly depressing day. I got together a couple of resumes and started putting together a portfolio. Hopefully by Monday the portfolio will be done and I can start looking for gainful employment somewhere that won't kick me to the curb because management had piss poor planning.


January 8

All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Bare-foot servants to, but huh
Outside in the cold distance
A wild cat did growl
Two riders were approachin
And the wind began to howl

-Bob Dylan via Jimmy Hendrix


January 7

Catch the wind, see us spin, sail away, leave today, way up high in the sky.
But the wind won't blow, you really shouldn't go, it only goes to show.



I managed to leave my camera in one of the pockets of my ski jacket last night. I guess I'll be posting two photos tonight when I get home from The Nut.

January 6

The trigger has been pulled. I'm watching. Waiting for the soft lead to hit me. This will all stop some day. But not before it happens a few more times.


january 5

I woke up a bit early this morning and actually had some energy when I went in to work. I posted yesterday's blog and was looking forward to the morning review and meeting. Then I got an invite to a "2009 Roadmap Issues" meeting. Noah and I got lost trying to find the conference room and joked that we were on our way to get fired. We shouldn'a joked about it. Ten of us got canned. As of January 30, I will be officially unemployed. Oh well. A few of us hung out at Fin's for a few hours.


January 4

Today was a slow day, Kimberly was feeling sick so we stayed home and vegged out. We watched some Mickey Mouse Club House with Lily then watched Meet the Robinsons. While the girls napped I played some more Crackdown. Woot. Now the Mexican gang is eliminated. I'm working on the Russians now. It's sad. Anyhoo, after nap time we went to Costco to hit up some free samples and get our supply of Diapers, Wipes, Laundry Detergent, and G2. For dinner, it was nothing but the best. Chinese take out.

Jan 4