February 12

Ah yes, one more day of hot weather. Last night night we had thunderstorms and wind gusts in the 50 mph range. Today we had pretty constant wind in the 20mph range with gusts into the 50 mph range every 3-5 minutes. Skiing was a bit "interesting" today. Here's what the "snow" on Dixie looked like this afternoon.


February 11

Another day in the 60's in mid Feb. I don't like it. But I did get Stinky Pinky put back together and all lubed up and ready for March or April.


February 10

I didn't work today. I spent waaaay too much time on this contraption today.


February 9

Another grand day on the mountain. Here's Willi doin' his thing.


February 8

Oh, fiery fiend, how I've missed you these last few cold months. Lucky for us it's warm out for the rest of the week. Maybe I'll luck out and catch a few fish for ya on Tuesday.


February 7

Another day, another dollar not earned. Much Fallout 3 was played, so I'd call it a decent day off the mountain.


February 6

Another good day on the Mtn. Radio traffic made me think of what might happen if a bunch of retarded monkeys got drunk and starting playing with radios. Oh well. Good enough night for me.